The Guide to Artificial Grass & Pets

guide to artificial grass and petsPet owners know that, for the most part, an outside pet is a happy pet. A little sunshine here and there is good for everyone, and it gives dogs and cats alike a great chance to stretch their legs.

If you have an artificial lawn, or moved into a new home with one, you probably have some questions: Is it safe for my pet to use fake lawns like they would regular grass? Is my synthetic grass toxic if my puppy chews on it? How do I handle the smell?

Field of Green has your back!

In this guide, we’ll cover your pet-focused questions about artificial grass installed by our expert team and other manufacturers. Feel free to read the entire guide, or click on one of the links below to jump to the section you’re looking for.


< Is artificial grass pet-friendly?

< Can dogs ruin artificial grass?

< Is it okay for my pet to use the bathroom on my synthetic lawn?

< How do you maintain artificial grass with dogs?

< Does turf get too hot for pets’ paws?

< Is fake grass toxic for animals to eat?


Is artificial grass pet-friendly?

It depends! Field of Green’s K9Grass is specifically designed for pets. K9Grass is made from a special yarn that helps fight odors, drains quickly, and is extremely durable for years of play. Dogs will be dogs, so you’ll probably see them rolling around and relieving themselves on your turf just like they would on normal grass.

One of the most important things to check with other artificial grass is the amount of lead present in it. Lead exposure has been linked to many health issues in people and dogs alike, including behavioral issues, confusion, and even nerve damage.

When thinking about getting a new artificial lawn installed, let the installer know you have pets. This could change their approach to the installation, and provide a safer and more comfortable experience for your pets, and peace of mind for you.


Can dogs ruin artificial grass?

If you’re concerned about your pet digging up your synthetic lawn, have no fear! High quality turf is extremely resilient if discipline fails. While our K9Grass needs no infill, many manufacturers require infill to be laid down before installing turf. In our experience, pets don’t like the taste or feel of infill sand, so if they make it that far they probably won’t continue.

If your lawn wasn’t installed with pets in mind, or the turf isn’t pet-specific, some odors may stick around longer than you’d like. Luckily, there are special products to help fight odors in synthetic grass, or you can find some easy-to-make household solutions in our guide to cleaning and maintenance. If you’re about to install an artificial lawn, inform the supplier so they can help with quick draining and other pet-proofing methods as well.


Is it okay for my pet to use the bathroom on my synthetic lawn?

Of course! Field of Green’s K9 grass is made with odor-fighting technology. If you have a synthetic lawn from another manufacturer, there are a variety of products you can apply to fight odors and kill bacteria as well.

One way to keep smells from building up is by making sure to keep up with maintenance. Remove feces as soon as possible, and wash off with a hose regularly to keep bacteria at bay.


How do you maintain artificial grass with dogs?

Some turf owners pay landscaping companies to apply products to keep their lawn looking, feeling, and smelling fresh. If you’re one of them, make sure to ask about the chemicals used, as some are unsafe for animals to play (or chew) on.

The nice thing about synthetic grass is that it’s so low maintenance! You shouldn’t have to maintain it much, if at all, unless your lawn isn’t made specifically for pets. If that’s the case, you may need to apply products to help keep smells at bay and kill bacteria.


Does turf get too hot for pets’ paws?

Not typically! Artificial grass is generally cooler and more comfortable for sensitive paws. Plus, turf doesn’t get muddy, and provides extra grip for running.


Is fake grass toxic for animals to eat?

Though we generally recommend against it, the majority of artificial grass is non-toxic. If you haven’t confirmed with the manufacturer, or just moved into a place with fake grass, you’ll want to make sure the grass is lead-free and safe for you and your furry family.


If you found this guide helpful, or have questions about your artificial lawn, feel free to reach out to our team on Facebook, Twitter, or give us a call at (866) 369-4727. If you’re looking for a pet-safe, odor-fighting, super durable artificial lawn, Field of Green can help!

Still have questions? Check out our other guides!

The Guide to Cleaning & Maintaining Your Artificial Grass

The Guide to Artificial Grass and Sports